User Commands (1)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

4Dwm (1X) - The IRIS Extended Motif Window Manager.


a2p (1) - Awk to Perl translator
abicc (1) - ABI C compiler
ABIinfo (1) - query information about MIPS ABI systems
abild (1) - ABI link editor
accept, reject (1M) - allow or prevent LP requests
accessworkstation (1) - open a remote toolchest or iconview
accessx (1) - GUI to set keyboard features for movement-impaired users
acct: acctdisk, acctdusg, accton, acctwtmp closewtmp, utmp2wtmp (1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands
acctcms (1M) - command summary from per-process accounting records
acctcom (1) - search and print process accounting file(s)
acctcon, acctcon1, acctcon2 (1M) - connect-time accounting
acctcvt (1) - convert accounting data to a different format
acctmerg (1M) - merge or add total accounting files
acctprc, acctprc1, acctprc2 (1M) - process accounting
acctsh: chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm, prctmp, prdaily, prtacct, shutacct, startup, turnacct (1M) - shell procedures for accounting
acroread (1) - Adobe Acrobat Reader
Add_disk (1) - add an optional disk to the system
addclient (1M) - allow remote printing clients to connect
adddefpriv (1M) - add a default system administration privilege to the system
addexportsentry (1M) - add an entry into /etc/exports file.
addfstabentry (1M) - add a filesystem entry into the /etc/fstab file.
addhost (1M) - add and modify an entry in the host file.
addLocalFileSwap (1M) - adds swap space from a local filesystem
addModem (1M) - add a modem to the system
addpppin (1M) - add a PPP incoming entry.
addpppout (1M) - add a PPP outgoing entry.
addpriv (1M) - add a privilege to the system administration privilege database
addprivuser (1M) - give a user all system administration privileges
addSerialDevice (1M) - add a serial device to the system
addUserAccount (1M) - add a user account to the system
addVirtualSwap (1M) - adds virtual swap space
addzone (1M) - add a zone to a specific interface
admin (1) - create and administer SCCS files
aifc2aiff (1) - convert an AIFF-C file to an AIFF file
aifccompress (1) - compress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcdecompress (1) - decompress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcinfo (1) - describes contents of AIFF-C or AIFF file
aifcresample (1) - perform sampling rate conversion on an AIFF-C file
aiff2aifc (1) - convert an AIFF file to an AIFF-C file
ainfo (1) - display array information
akill (1) - terminate a process or array session
alias (1) - define or display aliases
AliasToIv (1) - convert an Alias wire file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
alpq (1) - query the alp STREAMS module
amconfig (1M) - check or modify availmon configuration values
amnotify (1M) - email availability and diagnosis reports
amparse (1M) - extract information from an availmon report
amreceive (1M) - convert received availmon email reports
amregister (1M) - register or deregister the system
amreport (1M) - produce statistical and event reports from availmon logfile
amsend (1M) - mail availmon reports
amsysinfo (1M) - print system serial number or full hostname/address
amsyslog (1M) - parse system log files and print critical messages
amtickerd (1M) - system uptime monitor daemon
amtime1970 (1M) - print or convert time as seconds since Jan 1, 1970
annotator (1) - 3D Annotation with Digital Media Notes
ansitape (1) - ANSI standard tape handler
appdefpath (1) - supplies a server-specific path for application resource defaults
appletviewer, jar, java, javac, javadoc, javah, javakey, javap, jdb (1) - Java Execution and Development Environments
apply (1) - apply a command to a set of arguments
appres (1) - list X application resource database
apropos (1) - locate commands by keyword lookup
ar (1) - archive and library maintainer
aremex (1m) - array serivces remote execution monitor
arp (1M) - address resolution display and control
array (1) - execute an array command
arrayconfig (1m) - configure a simple array
arrayd (1m) - array services daemon
arshell (1) - remote shell for arrays
as (1) - SGI MIPSpro Assembler
asa (1) - interpret ASA carriage control characters
ascheck (1) - validate the array services configuration
askRestartFm (1) - utility for restarting the IRIX Interactive Desktop
assign (1) - Assigns options for library file open processing
at, batch (1) - execute commands at a later time
atconfig (1M) - enable AppleTalk on an interface
atinfo (1) - print the AppleTalk information for each interface
atinit (1M) - halt, start, or restart AppleTalk services
atlic (1) - Xinet license information
atping (1M) - ping an AppleTalk node
atservers (1) - print AppleTalk services
atstat (1) - dump the AppleTalk tables and statistics
attr (1) - manipulate Extended Attributes on filesystem objects
attrinit (1M) - Set file attributes
audio (1) - Introduction to audio facilities
audiopanel (1) - control panel for Audio Hardware: input and output levels, rates, sources and syncs
audiostate (1) - simple audio hardware state display tool
audit (1M) - system audit trail startup and shutdown script
autoconfig (1M) - configure kernel
autofs (1M) - install automatic mount points
autofsd (1M) - autoFS mount/unmount daemon
automount (1M) - automatically mount NFS filesystems
autopush (1M) - configure lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules
avcapture (1) - capture and synchronization tool for uncompressed video and audio
aview, ArrayView (1) - array status monitor for the X Window System
avplayback (1) - playback uncompressed video and audio in synchronization
awf (1) - amazingly workable (text) formatter
awk, nawk, pawk (1) - pattern scanning and processing language


background (1) - customization panel for setting background pattern
Backup (1) - backup the specified file or directory
backup (1M) - backup files and directories now, later, or recurring
BackupAndRestoreManager (1M) - Shedule or Unschedule Backups, Restore Files
banner (1) - make posters
basename, dirname (1) - deliver portions of pathnames
bc (1) - An arbitrary precision calculator language
bdftopcf (1) - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format
bdiff (1) - big diff
bfs (1) - big file scanner
bg (1) - run jobs in the background
bgicons (1) - maintain icons on the desktop background
bindkey (1) - function key binding facility for use with xwsh(1G)
bison (1) - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm (1) - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
booksAdmin (1) - update infosearch book index and tables of contents
bootp (1M) - server for Internet Bootstrap Protocol
bootpadd (1M) - add client system to bootptab
bootparamd (1M) - boot parameter server
brc, bcheckrc (1M) - system initialization procedures
bru (1) - backup and restore utility
bsdinst (1) - install, using BSD-style arguments
bsh, jsh (1) - shell, the standard/job control command programming language
bstream (1) - many buffered filter
bufview (1) - file system buffer cache activity monitor
buildppd (1M) - build a PPD file for a printer


c2ph, pstruct (1) - Dump C structures as generated from cc -g -S stabs
c2ph, pstruct (1) - Dump C structures as generated from cc -g -S stabs
cached (1M) - monitor single bit secondary cache errors.
cal (1) - print calendar
calendar (1) - reminder service
canonhost (1M) - canonicalize hostnames
capitem (1) - look up an item in a printcap entry
captoinfo (1M) - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
capture (1) - record movies, images, or sounds
cat (1) - concatenate and print files
caterr (1) - Processes message text files
cb (1) - C program beautifier
cc, c89 (1) - Invokes the MIPS and MIPSpro C compiler
cd (1) - change working directory
cdc (1) - change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
cddbcvt (1) - convert old (cdplayer) format CD database to new format
cdheadphone (1) - play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive
cdplayer, cdman, datplayer (1) - play and capture audio CDs and DAT tapes
cflow (1) - generate C flowgraph
cfsadmin (1M) - administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS)
cfsstat (1M) - display Network File System statistics
chacl (1) - change the access control list of a file or directory
chcap (1) - change file capability sets
check (1) - check RCS status of a file
check_abi_compliance (1) - check ABI compliance of an object file
check_abi_interface (1) - check ABI compliance of a library interface
check_for_syscalls (1) - check for embedded syscalls in an object file.
checkPassword (1M) - confirm a user password
checkpriv (1M) - check to see if the current user is privileged
chkconfig (1M) - configuration state checker
chkimprlicense (1) - check if an Impressario license is available for psrip(1)
chkutent (1M) - check and repair utmp entries
chlabel (1) - change the label of a file
chmod (1) - change the permissions mode of a file or directory
chown, chgrp (1) - change owner or group
chroot (1M) - change root directory for a command
chrtbl (1M) - generate character classification and conversion tables
ci (1) - check in RCS revisions
cidfontview (1) - Display PostScript CID font viewer
cidxfonts (1) - build X style font directory for CID-keyed fonts
cksum (1) - display file checksums and block counts
cl_init (1M) - init program for diskless software installation
cleanCache (1) - remove stale desktop type or layout cache entries
cleanpowerdown (1M) - control the power-down behavior of Onyx/Challenge L/XL systems
clear (1) - clear terminal screen
clogin (1) - login on the graphics console
clri (1M) - clear EFS inode
clshm_diag (1M) - Diagnostic tool for CrayLink Shared Memory
clshmctl (1M) - Administration tool for CrayLink Shared Memory
clshmd (1M) - Daemon for inter-partition shared-memory communication over CrayLink.
cmp (1) - compare two files
cmssgi2jpg (1) - reformat SGI image file as JPEG file, maintains profile tag
cmstag (1) - associate an ICC device profile with one or more image files
cmstaggif (1) - associate an ICC device profile with a GIF image
cmstagjpeg (1) - associate an ICC device profile with a JPEG image file
cmstagsgi (1) - associate an ICC device profile with an SGI image
cmstagstiff (1) - associate an ICC device profile with a STIFF image
cmstif2jpg (1) - reformat TIFF image file as JPEG file, maintains profile tag
co (1) - check out RCS revisions
cocogif (1) - color correct a GIF image file
cocojpeg (1) - color correct a JPEG/JFIF image file
cocostiff (1) - color correct a TIFF stream
col (1) - filter reverse line-feeds
collide (1) - look for name collisions between libraries
colltbl (1M) - create collation database
colorview (1) - display list of X11 colors and show selected color
comb (1) - combine SCCS deltas
comm (1) - select or reject lines common to two sorted files
command (1) - execute a simple command
compress, uncompress (1) - compress and expand data
compview (1) - tool for viewing results of compression
concerta (1) - Sine Wave Generator Tool
confidence (1M) - Desktop Confidence Tests
configAutoLogin (1M) - enable or disable auto login
configdefaultroute (1M) - add or delete a default route
configec0state (1M) - activate or deactivate the primary interface
configipforwardstate (1M) - turn IP forwarding on or off
configkfs (1M) - configuration program for AppleShare Client
configks (1M) - configuration program for K-Spool
configmail (1M) - sendmail autoconfiguration script
configNetIf (1M) - configure the network interfaces
configResolver (1M) - updates the host resolution order.
confirmjob (1) - ask quesion via The X Window System
conv_alias (1) - convert MediaMail aliases to Netscape Address Book
conv_nspref (1) - convert older Netscape preferences file to new 4.0X preference file
ConvertLayout (1) - convert old desktop layout files to new format
cord (1) - rearranges procedures in an executable.
cosmocreate (1) - WYSIWYG HTML authoring tool
cosmoplayer (1) - Netscape Plugin that allows you to view VRML files
cp, ln, mv (1) - copy, link or move files
cpio (1) - copy file archives in and out
cpp (1) - the C language preprocessor
cpr (1) - checkpoint and restart processes; info query; delete statefiles cview - graphical user interface for checkpoint and restart (CPR)
cpumeter (1M) - control the CPU activity meter on the Onyx/Challenge L/XL LCD panel
cron (1M) - clock daemon
crontab (1) - user crontab file
crypt (1) - encode/decode
csh (1) - shell command interpreter with a C-like syntax
csplit (1) - context split
ctags (1) - create a tags file
ctrace (1) - C program debugger
cu (1C) - call another UNIX system
custlink (1) - CustomerLink graphical interface
cut (1) - cut out selected fields of each line of a file
cv_gl_controller (1) - service program for gldebug
cvbuild (1) - WorkShop Build Analyzer
cvcat (1) - Copy standard in to named file
cvconfig (1) - WorkShop Configuration Management Specification
cvconnect (1M) - The WorkShop Debugger Connection Helper
cvcord (1) - explore working set behavior and generate cord feedback files
cvcov (1) - The WorkShop Test Coverage Tool
cvd (1) - The WorkShop Debugger
cvdump (1) - quick look at core dump
cvexprnt (1) - print out the contents of WorkShop performance experiment records or data files
cvhang (1) - create a process in a hung state
cvinstr (1) - add WorkShop Performance instrumentation code to a program
cvmake (1) - program building and recompilation tool
cvmeter (1) - examine process resource consumption data
cvpav (1) - present the information about an MP Fortran program from its MIPSpro 7.2 or higher analysis files
cvpcs (1M) - The WorkShop Debugger Server
cvpcsd (1M) - The WorkShop Debugger Server Daemon
cvperf (1) - WorkShop Performance View
cvspeed (1) - The suite of WorkShop Performance Tools
cvstatic (1) - static analysis tool
cvusage (1) - run a command, and print out the resources it used
cvxcov (1) - The WorkShop Test Coverage Tool
cvxhang (1) - create a process in a hung state and inform requestor's window
cxref (1) - generate C program cross-reference
cycles (1) - solo or networked multiplayer motorcycle game


dalw (1M) - development application laser writer ( lpr(1) only)
date (1) - write and set the date and time
datman (1) - play and record audio tapes in DAT drive datman -cd - play audio CD in CD-ROM drive through audio hardware
dbx (1) - a source-level debugger
dbxhang (1) - start a process without really starting it
dc (1) - an arbitrary precision calculator
dd (1M) - convert and copy a file
ddopt (1) - MIPS Data-Dependency-based Optimizer
deletehost (1M) - delete an entry from the host file.
deleteModem (1M) - delete a modem from the system
deleteSerialDevice (1M) - deletes a serial device from the system
deleteUserAccount (1M) - delete a user account from the system
delta (1) - make a delta (change) to an SCCS file
deroff (1) - remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs
designjet (1) - HP DesignJet printer/plotter driver
deskjet (1) - HP DeskJet/PaintJet parallel printer driver
deskjetII (1) - driver for HP DeskJet InkJet printers
desktop (1) - customization panel for setting Desktop resources
desktophelp (1) - IRIX Interactive Desktop(TM) Help System Subprogram
devnm (1M) - device name
df (1) - report number of free disk blocks
dgld (1M) - Graphics Library server
dhcp_bootp (1M) - proclaim server for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dhcp_relay (1M) - proclaim relay-agent for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dhcpdb (1M) - DHCP database manager
diagnostics (1) - Perl compiler pragma to force verbose warning diagnostics
diagsetup (1M) - control the contents of the diag user's running of cached and onlinediag
diff (1) - differential file and directory comparator
diff3 (1) - 3-way differential file comparison
dircmp (1) - directory comparison
dirview (1X) - an interactive interface to the contents of a directory or URL
dis (1) - disassemble an object file
disableXhost (1) - utility for disabling remote access to local display
diskalign (1) - XLV Aligned Disk Striping Utility
DiskManager (1M) - view and manager fixed disks
diskpatch (1M) - prevent stiction problems with some disk drives
diskperf (1) - Disk Performance Testing Utility
diskusg (1M) - generate disk accounting data by user ID
distcp (1M) - copy or compare software distributions
ditherstiff (1) - dither (halftone) an 8 bit stream TIFF file using error diffusion dither
dkprobe (1) - probe all configured disks
dkstat (1) - report disk I/O statistics
dlook (1) - a tool for showing memory and process placement
dmconvert (1) - digital media file conversion utility
dminfo (1) - display information about digital media files
dmplay (1) - digital media file player utility
dmrecord (1) - digital media hard-disk recording utility
domainname (1) - set or display name of current NIS domain
dplace (1) - a NUMA memory placement tool
dprof (1) - a memory access profiling tool
dps (1) - Display PostScript imaging for the X Window System
dpsclock (1) - analog / digital clock using DPS
drm_admin (1) - Data Replication Manager Administrative Tool
drop (1) - a 3d skill game
dtl2sgft (1) - Online Documentation Administration Utility for InfoSearch
dtlbook2html (1M) - Create a HTML representation of a book from a Dynaweb server
dtrebuild (1M) - ``desktop'' maintenance of AppleShare volumes
dtshutdown (1M) - Notify desktop and shutdown the system
dtSounds (1) - customization panel for controlling desktop & system sounds
dtUtilities (1) - customization panel for choosing viewers & editors
du (1M) - summarize disk usage
dump, rdump (1M) - incremental filesystem backup for EFS filesystems
dumpcounts (1) - print out pixie .Counts file structure
dvhtool (1M) - modify and obtain disk volume header information
dwarfdump (1) - dumps DWARF debug information of an ELF object
DxfToIv (1) - converts an Autodesk Data Exchange File format (.DXF) file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
dynaweb (1M) - Inso Technology's IRIS InSight Dynaweb Server Extension


ecadmin (1) - configure and control the global event counters
echo (1) - echo arguments
ecstats (1) - report global event counter activity
ed, red (1) - text editor
edit (1) - text editor (variant of ex for casual users)
editres (1) - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications
edquota (1M) - edit user quotas
egcmd (1M) - gigabit ethernet diagnostic tool
egconfig (1M) - configure gigabit ethernet interfaces
egrep (1) - search a file for a pattern using full regular expressions
eject (1) - eject a removable media device
elfdump (1) - dumps selected parts of a 32-bit or a 64-bit ELF object file/archive and displays them in ELF style
enable, disable (1) - enable/disable LP printers
endsession (1) - terminates a login session
enterlicense (1M) - graphical application for managing NetLS nodelocked licenses.
env, printenv (1) - set environment for command execution, print environment
epd (1M) - AppleTalk Echo Protocol daemon
epfirm (1M) - maintain E-Plex 8-port Ethernet Firmware
epsonESCP2 (1) - Epson Color Stylus printer driver
ex (1) - text editor
execisdnd (1M) - run ISDN deamon.
execppp (1M) - Start a PPP call.
expand (1) - convert tabs to spaces
expect (1) - programmed dialogue with interactive programs, Version 5
Expectk (1) - Expect with Tk support
explain (1) - Displays the explanation for an error message
exportfs (1M) - export and unexport directories to NFS clients
expr (1) - evaluate arguments as an expression
exstr (1) - extract strings from source files
extcentry (1) - extract FORTRAN-callable entry points from a C file
EZsetup (1M) - login for basic system setup and user environment configuration


f2p (1) - translates fig output into pic language
f2ps (1) - Fig to Postscript translator
f77, fort77 (1) - MIPS and MIPSpro F77 compiler
factor (1) - obtain the prime factors of a number
fam (1M) - file alteration monitor
fbdump (1) - print out compiler feedback files from prof
fc (1) - process the command history list
fcagent (1m) - FibreVault Status/Configuration daemon
fccli (1m) - FibreVault Status/Configuration Command Line Interface
fddivis (1M) - graphically display FDDI ring
fdetach (1M) - detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor
fftr (1) - IRIX Interactive Desktop optimized file-type rules compiler
fg (1) - run jobs in the foreground
fgrep (1) - search a file for a character string
file (1) - determine file type
FilesystemManager (1M) - view and manage filesystems
filetype, fileopen, filealtopen, wstype (1) - determine filetype of specified file or files
filterps (1) - Adobe Systems conversion utility for PostScript language documents with invalid DSC comments.
find (1) - find files
findanicon (1X) - find an icon on the system (File QuickFind)
findblk (1M) - find filesystem block
findvis (1G) - list OpenGL-capable Visuals meeting selection criteria
finger (1) - user information lookup program
fingerd (1M) - remote user information server
fix_nsmailfdir (1) - fix incorrect mail folder names in $HOME/nsmail
flash (1M) - reprogram the flash PROM hardware on Origin and OCTANE machines
flashio (1M) - reprogram the flash PROM hardware on Everest-based machines
flashmmsc (1M) - reprogram the MMSC on Origin2000 systems
flex (1) - fast lexical analyzer generator
FLtoPopDB (1) - Converts filenames to serialized DNA.
flushCache (1) - remove all desktop type or layout cache entries
fm, iconview (1) - graphical interface to file systems and URLs (IRIX Interactive Desktop)
fmprefs (1X) - customization panel for directory view preferences
fmserv (1) - desktop helper service
fmt (1) - simple text formatter
fmtmsg (1) - display a message on stderr or system console
fold (1) - fold long lines for finite width output device
fontview (1) - Display PostScript font viewer
formatRMedia (1M) - Formats removable media
fpck (1M) - check and repair either FAT (MSDOS) or HFS (MACINTOSH) filesystems
fpmode (1) - run a command in specified floating point and/or memory mode
fru (1M) - Field replacement unit analyzer for Challenge/Onyx systems
fsck (1M) - check and repair filesystems for EFS
fsdb (1M) - filesystem debugger for EFS
fsdump (1M) - file system dumper for rfindd for EFS and XFS
fserv (1X) - provide file service for Desktop file transfers
fsinfo (1) - X font server information utility
fslsfonts (1) - list fonts served by X font server
fsplit (1) - split FORTRAN or RATFOR files
fsr (1M) - filesystem reorganizer for EFS
fsstat (1M) - report filesystem status
fstobdf (1) - generate BDF font from X font server
fstyp (1M) - determine filesystem identifier
ftimer (1) - report realtime itimer status
ftnchop (1) - Invokes the program unit problem isolator
ftnlint, cflint (1) - Checks Fortran programs for possible errors
ftnlist, cflist (1) - Provides a detailed Fortran program listing
ftnmgen (1) - Invokes the Fortran makefile generator
ftnsplit (1) - Invokes the Fortran file splitter
ftp (1C) - Internet file transfer program
ftpd (1M) - Internet File Transfer Protocol server
ftr2mime (1) - utility to generate mailcap and mime.type files from ftrs
fuser (1M) - identify processes using a file or file structure
fwtmp, wtmpfix (1M) - manipulate connect accounting records
fx (1M) - disk utility


gated (1M) - gateway routing daemon
gateway (1) - Internet Gateway administration tool
gclear (1G) - clear IRIS graphics screen
gencat (1) - generate a formatted message catalogue
genDeviceIcons (1) - generates serialized DNA for devices
gendist (1M) - generate a software distribution
genperm (1M) - generate /etc/uucp/Permissions
genppdtemplate (1) - Extract PPD strings as X11 resources
get (1) - get a version of an SCCS file
getabi (1) - determine which ABI to use
getallpppinisdn (1M) - get all PPP incoming ISDN entries
getallpppinmodem (1M) - get all PPP incoming modem entries
getallpppoutisdn (1M) - get all PPP outgoing ISDN entries
getallpppoutmodem (1M) - get all PPP outgoing modem entries
getconf (1) - get configuration variables (XPG4)
getDiskInfo (1M) - lists information about fixed disks
getDiskParts (1M) - gets a disk's partition information
getExportList (1M) - get list of nfs exported directories from a remote sytem
getipforwarding (1M) - get ipforwarding state using systune
getjavafrompref (1M) - get the state of Java or JavaScript
getopt (1) - parse command options
getopts, getoptcvt (1) - parse command options
getsomeaccounts (1M) - get the user accounts that have no password or get active accounts
gettxt (1) - retrieve a text string from a message database
getty (1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
getzones (1) - print AppleTalk zones
gfxinfo (1G) - display graphics subsystems information
gfxinit (1G) - initialize all graphics subsystems
ggd (1M) - rate-guarantee-granting daemon
gif2stiff (1) - convert a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image file to Stream TIFF (STIFF)
glbd (1) - Global Location Broker Daemon
gldebug (1) - debug utility for GL programs
glp, printpanel (1) - graphical lp printing command
glxinfo (1G) - display info about a GLX extension and OpenGL renderer
gmemusage (1) - graphical memory usage viewer
gpsinterface (1) - Generic PostScript model for System V spooling.
gr_nstats (1) - NUMA Memory Management Statistics
gr_osview (1) - graphical system monitor
gr_sn (1) - NUMA Memory Management Configuration Tool
gr_top (1) - display processes having highest CPU usage in a window
grelnotes (1) - graphical on-line release notes viewer
grep (1) - search a file for a pattern
grio (1M) - display GRIO reservation information
grio_bandwidth (1M) - determines guaranteed-rate I/O device bandwidth
groups (1) - show group memberships
growfs (1M) - expand a filesystem
grpck (1M) - group file checker
gscan (1) - graphical scanning command
gview (1) - graph viewer for Inventor 3d databases
gzcmp, gzdiff (1) - compare compressed files
gzexe (1) - compress executable files in place
gzforce (1) - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
gzgrep (1) - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
gzip, gunzip, gzcat (1) - compress or expand files
gzmore (1) - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
gznew (1) - recompress .Z files to .gz files


h2ph (1) - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs (1) - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
halt (1M) - halt the system
hash (1) - remember or report utility locations
haven (1G) - use a GL program as the screen saver
head (1) - give first few lines
help (1) - ask for help about SCCS error messages and commands
hiliteKeys (1) - apply a colored HTML font tag to keywords
hinv (1M) - hardware inventory command
hostid (1) - set or print identifier of current host system
HostManager (1M) - Host Manager
hostname (1) - set or print name of current host system
hot-convert (1) - Utility to convert Mosaic hotlists
hpnpf, nethandler (1) - network peripheral filter
htmake (1) - create a web site from a source document tree
html2ps (1) - convert HTML to PostScript
htsmall (1) - create an index for a web site from a data definition
hyperpipeinfo (1G) - display information about hyperpipe connection


i4admin (1M) - Administer LicensePower/iFOR licensing
i4lmd (1M) - Starts the license server on a local node.
i4start (1M) - LicensePower/iFOR server start tool
i4stop (1M) - LicensePower/iFOR server stop tool
i4target (1M) - Returns the local LicensePower/iFOR target id.
i4tv (1M) - Verify that LicensePower/iFOR License Servers are working
ical (1G) - calendar
iceauth (1) - ICE authority file utility
ico (1) - animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
iconbooktocatalog (1) - converts old iconbook pages to IRIX 6.5 format
iconcatalog, iconbook (1) - pages on which to store any type of icon
iconcatalogedit, iconbookedit (1) - alter contents of icon catalog pages
iconsmith (1) - an interactive tool for editing polygon-based icons
iconv (1) - code set conversion utility
icrash (1M) - IRIX system crash analysis utility
id (1M) - print the user name and ID, and group name and ID
idbg (1M) - kernel debugger print utility
ideas (1D) - Ideas in Motion in OpenGL
ident (1) - identify RCS keyword strings in files
ieditor (1) - a simple internationalized mouse-based text editor
ifconfig (1M) - configure network interface parameters
IFL (1) - configuring the Image Format Library runtime environment
iflabel (1M) - configure network interface attributes
IID (1G) - the IRIX Interactive Desktop, SGI's graphical user interface (GUI)
IL (1) - configuring the ImageVision Library runtime environment
il2stiff (1) - convert images from IL supported formats to Stream TIFF
ilptops (1) - convert a text file into a PostScript file
imagetops (1) - convert image file to printable PostScript
imake (1) - C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imdmonitor (1M) - daemon that monitors filesystems and launches alerts
imgcopy (1) - copy and convert image file
imged (1G) - small image editor
imgformats (1) - list supported image file formats
imginfo (1) - obtain information about image files
imgtcl (1) - tcl-based scripting shell for the IL
imgview (1) - displays image files
imgworks (1) - visual tool for enhancing image files
Impressario (1) - printing and scanning server environment for SGI systems
impressario_ppd_model.gui (1) - PPD Printer Configuration Dialog
imprint (1) - converts text files to PostScript, similar to Adobe enscript(tm)
inetd (1M) - Internet ``super-server''
infocmp (1M) - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
inform (1G) - display a message in a window
infosearch (1) - search and view documentation
infosrch.cgi (1) - Infosearch Common Gateway Interface Program
init, telinit (1M) - process control initialization
initDisk (1M) - initializes disk and partitions is as an option disk
inpcontrol (1) - InPerson control tool
inperson (1) - InPerson desktop conferencing for SGI workstations
insight, iiv (1) - The IRIS InSight Online Documentation (Book) Viewer
insightAdmin (1) - The IRIS InSight Online Documentation Administration Utility
inst (1M) - software installation tool
install (1) - install files in directories
installf (1M) - add a file to the software installation database
installf (1M) - add a file to the software installation database
intro (1) - introduction to commands, application programs, and programming commands.
intro (1M) - introduction to maintenance commands and application programs
Inventor (1) - a toolkit for writing 3d programs
ioconfig (1M) - configure I/O devices
ipanel (1) - customization panel for setting locale, timezone and keyboard
ipaste (1G) - display an image
ipcrm (1) - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcs (1) - report inter-process communication facilities status
ipfilterd (1M) - IP packet filtering daemon
ipkbd (1M) - changes a user's keyboard layout setting.
iplang (1M) - changes a user's locale setting.
ipld (1M) - creates a composite locale.
iptime (1M) - changes a user's time zone setting.
ipxdebug (1M) - enable or disable diagnostic output from IPX
ipxlink (1m) - Link ipx streams driver to Link Layer
ipxstat (1M) - display IPX statistics
ircombine (1G) - Create, modify, query, load and save video format combinations
isdnd (1M) - ISDN Daemon
IsdnManager (1M) - ISDN Manager
isdnstat (1M) - show ISDN connection status
isSuper (1) - supertype checking utility for use with file type rules
itester (1M) - ISDN test and development tool
iv2toiv1 (1) - converts Inventor 2.0 files to the Inventor 1.0 format
ivcat (1) - concatenates and converts Inventor files
ivdowngrade (1) - converts Inventor 2.1 files to the Inventor 2.0 and 1.0 formats
ivfix (1) - restructures an Inventor object for improved rendering performance
ivinfo (1) - Prints information about Inventor files
IvToRib (1) - convert an Open Inventor 2.0 file to a Renderman .rib file
ivview (1) - fast, interactive 3D viewer of Inventor files
iwsh (1G) - creates and specifies a window shell


java_plugin (1) - Runtime Plug-in for Irix, Java(tm) Edition
jobs (1) - display status of jobs in the current session
join (1) - relational database operator
jot, jotxgizmo (1G) - mouse-based text editor
jpeg2stiff (1) - convert a Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image file to Stream TIFF (STIFF)


kats, kscp, ksmv, ksrm (1) - K-AShare File Manipulation Utilities
katype (1) - determine file type
kbdcomp (1M) - compile code set and keyboard map tables
kbdload (1M) - load or link kbd tables
kbdpipe (1) - use the kbd module in a pipeline
kbdset (1) - attach to kbd mapping tables, set modes
kernprof (1) - special executable for SpeedShop performance measurements on the unix kernel
keyboard (1) - customization panel for setting keyclick and key repeat
kill (1) - terminate a process by default
killall (1M) - kill named processes
killautofs (1M) - stop autofs deamon.
killautomount (1M) - kill automount deamon.
killxwnmo (1) - kill the input manager xwnmo(1X).
klogpp (1M) - kernel /dev/log post-processor
ksd (1M) - AppleShare file server
ksd_msg (1M) - send a message to K-AShare users
ksd_restart (1M) - halt/restart the K-AShare daemon
kunarc, karc (1) - K-AShare AppleSingle/AppleDouble/BinHex/MacBinary converter


labelit (1M) - provide labels for file systems
laserjet (1) - HP LaserJet parallel printer driver
laserjetPJL (1) - driver for HP LaserJet printers that support PJL
laserjetPS (1) - driver for HP LaserJet printers that support PostScript
laserwriter (1) - driver for PostScript printers
last (1) - indicate last logins of users and terminals
launch (1X) - graphical utility to enter and invoke commands with arguments
launchbookviewer (1) - utility for launching the user's chosen book viewer
launchWebJumper (1) - open a webjumper or URL, avoiding locked-cache messages
lb_admin (1) - Location Broker Administrative Tool
lb_find (1) - get a list of glb server daemons and their attri- butes
lboot (1M) - configure bootable kernel
lbxproxy (1) - Low BandWidth X proxy
ld (1) - link editor
lex (1) - generate programs for simple lexical tasks
lexmarkoptra (1) - driver for Lexmark Optra printers
lfmt (1) - display error message in standard format and pass to logging and monitoring services
LicenseManager (1M) - view and manage FLEXlm and NetLS software licenses
line (1) - read one line
link, unlink (1M) - link and unlink files
linkstat (1) - a Craylink monitoring tool
lint (1) - a C program checker
List_tape (1) - list the contents of a given backup tape
listAllDiskFS (1M) - lists all filesystems on local disks
listen (1M) - network listener port monitor
listPrinters (1M) - get list of printers from a remote system
listres (1) - list resources in widgets (Internationalized version)
listRootBackups (1M) - get the list of backups scheduled by the super-user
lltune (1M) - Sends/receives lapb or llc2 tuning parameters to/from their respective drivers.
lmdiag (1) - diagnostic checkout tool
lmdown (1) - graceful shutdown of all license daemons
lmgrd (1) - flexible license manager daemon
lmhostid (1) - report the hostid of a system
lmremove (1) - remove specific licenses and return them to license pool
lmreread (1) - tells the license daemon to reread the license file
lmstat (1) - report status on license manager daemons and feature usage
lmswitchr (1) - switch REPORTLOG file to a new file
lmutil (1) - generic FLEXlm utility program.
lmver (1) - report the FLEXlm version of a library or binary file
lndir (1) - create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
locale (1) - get locale-specific information
localedef (1) - define locale environment
lockd (1M) - NFS lock daemon
logger (1) - make entries in the system log
login (1) - sign on
logname (1) - get login name
lp, cancel (1) - send/cancel requests to an LP line printer
lpadmin (1M) - configure the LP spooling system
lpc (1M) - BSD line printer control program
lpd (1M) - BSD line printer daemon
lpenabled (1) - monitor printer output port and enable printer when port is writable.
lpq (1) - BSD print spool queue examination program
lpqserver (1M) - service requests from the Macintosh K-Spool Monitor desk accessory
lpr (1) - BSD print spooler
lprm (1) - remove jobs from the BSD line printer spooling queue
lpsched, lpshut, lpmove (1M) - start/stop the LP scheduler and move requests
lpstat (1) - print LP status information
lptest (1) - generate lineprinter ripple pattern
lptops (1) - convert a text file into a PostScript file
ls (1) - list contents of directory
lv_to_xlv (1M) - generate a script for converting from lv to XLV


m4 (1) - macro processor
Mail (1) - send and receive mail
mail (1) - send mail to users or read mail
mailbox (1) - mail notification
mailstats (1m) - display mail statistics
mailx (1) - send and receive mail
make (1) - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs (DEVELOPMENT)
makecidres (1) - Build PostScript CID resource database file.
makedepend (1) - create dependencies in makefiles
MAKEDEV (1M) - create device special files
makeDotDesktop (1X) - creates the $HOME/.desktop-<hostname> directory
makeIconVisuals (1X) - determine the correct visuals for desktop icons
makekey (1) - generate encryption key
makemap (1G) - store colors into the gl color map
makemap (1m) - create database maps for sendmail
makemdbm, makedbm (1M) - make an NIS mdbm file
makemovie (1) - make a movie from movie, image, and audio files
makepsres (1) - Build PostScript resource database file.
makewhatis, manwhat (1M) - make manual page "whatis" database for use with apropos
man (1) - print entries from the on-line reference manuals; find manual entries by keyword
man2html (1) - filter to convert a man page to HTML
manAdmin (1) - create a set of files for processing from man pages
maze (1) - a nostalgic 3d game
maze (1) - an automated X11 demo repeatedly creating and solving a random maze
mcogamma (1G) - set gamma on MultiChannel Option channels
mdbm_remove (1M) - invalidate and remove mdbm files
mediaconvert, moviemaster, soundfiler, movieconvert (1) - digital media file conversion tool
mediad (1M) - removable media daemon
mediarecorder (1) - record movies, still images, or audio files
memtovid (1) - Video Library single frame output tool
merge (1) - three-way file merge
mesg (1) - permit or deny messages
midikeys (1) - 3D graphical MIDI keyboard controller
midisynth (1) - software MIDI synthesizer
mipscheck,r8kpp,r5kpp,u64check (1) - (no summary available)
miser (1M) - Miser Resource Manager
miser_cpuset (1) - define and manage a set of CPUs
miser_jinfo (1) - query miser about the schedule of a submitted job
miser_kill (1) - kill a miser job
miser_move (1) - move a block of resources from one queue to another
miser_qinfo (1) - query information about the resources of a miser queue
miser_reset (1) - reset miser with a new configuration file
miser_submit (1) - submit a job to a miser queue
mkaf (1) - create a Performance Co-Pilot archive folio
mkalias (1M) - NIS mail alias tool
mkboottape (1M) - make a boot tape filesystem
mkbsdnetpr (1M) - provide access to a remote printer using the BSD printing protocols
mkbsdpr (1M) - register a BSD printer with LP
mkcentpr (1M) - install a parallel (Centronics) interface System V printer
mkdepend (1) - compute header file dependencies
mkdir (1) - make directories
mkdirhier (1) - makes a directory hierarchy
mkf2c (1) - generate FORTRAN-C interface routines
mkfifo (1M) - make FIFO special file
mkfile (1M) - create a file
mkfontdir, fonts.dir, fonts.scale, fonts.alias (1) - create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfp (1M) - construct a FAT (MSDOS) or HFS (MACINTOSH) filesystem
mkfs (1M) - construct a filesystem
mkfs_efs (1M) - construct an EFS filesystem
mkfs_xfs (1M) - construct an XFS filesystem
mkfsXfs (1M) - calls mkfs_xfs to create an xfs filesystem
mkhelp (1) - make a help book
mkjtpr (1M) - install a network printer interface System V printer
mkmsgs (1) - create message files for use by gettxt
mknetpr (1M) - provide access to a remote printer
mknod (1M) - build special file or named pipe (FIFO)
mkpart (1M) - Partition Configuration Tool for Origin
mkscsipr (1M) - installs a SCSI interface System V printer
mkserialpr (1M) - install a serial interface System V printer
mkstr (1) - create an error message file by massaging C source
mksymlinks (1X) - make required Motif symbolic links.
mksymlinks (1X) - make required Motif symbolic links.
mkwordlist (1) - create a word file from release notes
ml (1M) - load dynamic kernel modules
mmail2nsmail (1) - copy mail folders to Netscape Mail location
mmkmf (1) - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
mmkmf (1) - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
mmscd (1M) - communicates with MMSC (including front panel display) on Origin2000 and Onyx2 rack systems
mntproc (1M) - mount the /proc filesystem
moat (1) - the standard Tcl Motif interpreter
modelinfo (1M) - generate formatted list of supported printers
modifyPermissionsAndOwnership (1M) - modify permissions and ownership of files
modifyUserAccount (1M) - modify an existing user account
modinfofltr (1M) - format and filter the /var/spool/lp/modelinfo.dat file
monitorRemovableMedia (1M) - enable mediad monitoring of a device
monpanel (1G) - monitor control panel for Presenter Flat Panel Displays
montbl (1M) - create monetary database
more, page (1) - browse or page through a text file
mount, umount (1M) - mount and unmount filesystems
mount_kfs, umount_kfs (1M) - AppleShare mounter
mountall (1M) - mount multiple filesystems
mountd (1M) - NFS mount request server
mountfs (1M) - mounts a filesystem.
mouse (1) - panel for setting mouse acceleration, mapping, click speed
moviemaker (1) - interactive editor for movie files
movieplayer, mediaplayer (1) - player for media files
mpadmin (1) - control and report processor status
mpc (1) - Multiprocessing C Source Transformer
mrouted (1M) - IP multicast routing daemon
mt (1) - magnetic tape manipulating program
mtrace (1M) - print multicast path from a source to a receiver
mtrconfig (1M) - configure or display Madge PCI Token Ring interface parameters.
multgrps (1) - spawn a shell with membership in multiple groups
multi (1M) - switch the system to multiuser mode
muncher (1) - draw interesting patterns in an X window
mvdir (1M) - move a directory
mwm (1) - The Motif Window Manager
mwm (1X) - The Motif Window Manager
myzone (1) - print the host's AppleTalk zone


named, named-xfer (1M) - internet domain name server (DNS)
nbpd (1M) - AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol daemon
nbpremove (1M) - unregister an entity name
NC (1F) - Client program for NEdit text editor
NCC, DCC (1) - 32-bit C++ compiler
ncheck (1M) - generate pathnames from i-numbers
ndsd (1) - network dual-head software daemon
NEdit (1F) - Motif GUI style text editor
NetIfManager (1M) - Network Interface Manager
netprint (1M) - Submit lp print job to remote spooler via a network connection
netscape (1) - The premier World Wide Web browser.
netsnoop (1M) - capture and decode network traffic
netstat (1) - show network status
nettest, nettestd (1) - Performs client and server functions for timing data throughput
network (1M) - network initialization and shutdown script
newaliases (1M) - rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file
newer (1) - command for testing modification dates of two files
newfile (1) - perform file-creation tasks for printer scripts
newform (1) - change the format of a text file
newgrp (1) - log in to a new group
newhelp (1) - generate a performance metrics help database
newlabel (1) - run a process at another label
newproj (1) - switch to a new project
news (1) - print news items
newsess (1) - start a new array session
nfsd, biod, bio3d (1M) - NFS daemons
nfsSetup (1M) - Set up Network File System Service
nfsstat (1M) - display Network File System statistics
nice (1) - run a command at low priority
nisSetup (1M) - Set up Network Information System
nl (1) - line numbering filter
nm (1) - print name list of an object file(s)
noderun (1) - Run process on specific node (advisory specification)
nohup (1) - run a command immune to hangups and quits
noodle (1) - interactive 3d modeling program
npri (1) - modify the scheduling priority of a process
nrglbd (1) - Non- Replicatable Global Location Broker Daemon
nsadmin (1M) - Name Service Administration Utility
nsd (1M) - UNS name service daemon
nslookup (1C) - query Internet name servers interactively
nsmount (1M) - mount name service filesystem
nss_fasttrack, ns-httpd (1M) - Netscape FastTrack Server 3.02a
nstats (1) - NUMA Memory Management Statistics
nvram, sgikopt (1M) - get or set non-volatile RAM variables
nwfsdebug (1M) - enable or disable diagnostic output from the NetWare file system
nwlogin (1) - login to a NetWare server
nwmount (1M) - create a mount point for accessing NetWare servers


oawk (1) - pattern scanning and processing language
ObjToIv (1) - convert a Wavefront .obj file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
OCC (1) - old (cfront-based) C++ compiler
oclock (1) - round X clock
od (1) - octal dump
odiff (1) - differential file and directory comparator
odump (1) - dumps selected parts of an object file
oglsnoop (1G) - magnify and report on the screen under the mouse pointer
on (1C) - execute a command remotely
onlinediag (1M) - run diagnostic tests on cpus to test floating point units.
openHintsShortcuts (1) - load the desktop Hints & Shortcuts into Web browser
openhomepg (1) - loads the user's OutBox home page into Web browser
optionalsym (1) - transform ELF symbols to optional symbols
ordist (1c) - remote file distribution program
osview (1) - monitor operating system activity data
outbox (1) - publish files in user's Web Out Box
outputd (1X) - capture application output and errors
ov (1) - desks overview provides controls for manipulating desks
oview (1) - visualize the performance of Origin systems
oview_layout (1) - determine CrayLink interconnection topology of Origin systems


pac (1M) - BSD printer accounting information
pack, pcat, unpack (1) - compress and expand files
packppdfiles (1) - Pack all files needed by the Impressario PPD driver into one file.
padc (1) - process activity data collector
papserver (1M) - spool files from network-connected Macintoshes
par (1) - process activity reporter / truss-like system call tracer
passmgmt (1M) - password files management
passthru (1) - pass audio sample data from an input port to an output port
passwd (1) - change login password and password attributes
paste (1) - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file
patch (1) - apply a diff file to an original
pathchk (1) - check pathnames
pathconf (1) - get configurable pathname variables (POSIX)
pax (1) - portable archive exchange
PCPIntro (1) - introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP)
peer_encaps (1M) - Simple Network Management Protocol Agent Encapsulator
peer_snmpd (1M) - Simple Network Management Protocol daemon
peoplepages (1) - PeoplePages, the IRIX Interactive Desktop Phone & Address Book
perfex (1) - a command line interface to R10000 counters
perl (1) - Practical Extraction and Report Language
perlapio (1) - perl's IO abstraction interface.
perlbook (1) - Perl book information
perlbot (1) - Bag'o Object Tricks (the BOT)
perlbug (1) - how to submit bug reports on Perl
perlcall (1) - Perl calling conventions from C
perldata (1) - Perl data types
perldebug (1) - Perl debugging
perldelta (1) - what's new for perl5.004
perldiag (1) - various Perl diagnostics
perldoc (1) - Look up Perl documentation in pod format.
perldsc (1) - Perl Data Structures Cookbook
perlembed (1) - how to embed perl in your C program
perlfaq (1) - frequently asked questions about Perl ($Date: 1997/04/24 22:46:06 $)
perlfaq1 (1) - General Questions About Perl ($Revision: 1.12 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:34 $)
perlfaq2 (1) - Obtaining and Learning about Perl ($Revision: 1.16 $, $Date: 1997/04/23 18:04:09 $)
perlfaq3 (1) - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.22 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:42 $)
perlfaq4 (1) - Data Manipulation ($Revision: 1.19 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:43:57 $)
perlfaq5 (1) - Files and Formats ($Revision: 1.22 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:02 $)
perlfaq6 (1) - Regexps ($Revision: 1.17 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:10 $)
perlfaq7 (1) - Perl Language Issues ($Revision: 1.18 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:14 $)
perlfaq8 (1) - System Interaction ($Revision: 1.21 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:19 $)
perlfaq9 (1) - Networking ($Revision: 1.17 $, $Date: 1997/04/24 22:44:29 $)
perlform (1) - Perl formats
perlfunc (1) - Perl builtin functions
perlguts (1) - Perl's Internal Functions
perlipc (1) - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores)
perllocale (1) - Perl locale handling (internationalization and localization)
perlLoL (1) - Manipulating Lists of Lists in Perl
perlmod (1) - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
perlmodlib (1) - constructing new Perl modules and finding existing ones
perlobj (1) - Perl objects
perlop (1) - Perl operators and precedence
perlpod (1) - plain old documentation
perlre (1) - Perl regular expressions
perlref (1) - Perl references and nested data structures
perlrun (1) - how to execute the Perl interpreter
perlsec (1) - Perl security
perlstyle (1) - Perl style guide
perlsub (1) - Perl subroutines
perlsyn (1) - Perl syntax
perltie (1) - how to hide an object class in a simple variable
perltoc (1) - perl documentation table of contents
perltoot (1) - Tom's object-oriented tutorial for perl
perltrap (1) - Perl traps for the unwary
perlvar (1) - Perl predefined variables
perlxs (1) - XS language reference manual
perlXStut (1) - Tutorial for XSUBs
permissions (1M) - Change Permissions - Modify Permissions and Ownership of Files
PEX (1) - a 3D extension to
pfa2pfb (1) - convert PostScript Type 1 font from ASCII to binary encoding
pfb2pfa (1) - convert PostScript Type 1 font from binary encoding to ASCII encoding
pfconv (1pf) - IRIS Performer file translator
pfmt (1) - display error message in standard format
pfpalettize (1pf) - IRIS Performer texture palettizer
pg (1) - file perusal filter for CRTs
pgbrkcfmt (1) - remove nroff page breaks and add HTML character tag
phandler (1) - generic parallel printer driver
photoshop_sgi (1) - Adobe Photoshop Performance Package
ping (1M) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pixdump (1) - print out the tables in SpeedShop instrumented executables
pixie (1) - add profiling code to an executable file
pixstats (1) - analyze program execution
pkgadd (1M) - transfer software package to the system
pkgask (1M) - stores answers to a request script
pkgchk (1M) - check accuracy of installation
pkginfo (1) - display software package information
pkgmk (1) - produce an installable package
pkgparam (1) - displays package parameter values
pkgproto (1) - generate a prototype file
pkgrm (1M) - removes a package from the system
pkgtrans (1) - translate package format
pl2pm (1) - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules.
plaid (1) - paint some plaid-like patterns in an X window
playaifc, playaiff (1) - play an AIFF-C (or AIFF) audio sample file
pmafm (1) - Performance Co-Pilot archive folio manager
pmake, smake (1) - create programs in parallel
pmbrand (1) - brand Performance Co-Pilot licenses
pmcd (1) - performance metrics collector daemon
pmcd_wait (1) - wait for PMCD to accept client connections
pmdbg (1) - translate Performance Co-Pilot debug control flags
pmdumplog (1) - dump internal details of a performance metrics archive log
pmem (1) - report per-process memory usage
pmerr (1) - translate Performance Co-Pilot error codes into error messages
pminfo (1) - display information about performance metrics
pmkstat (1) - high-level system performance overview
pmlc (1) - configure active Performance Co-Pilot pmlogger(s) interactively
pmlogger (1) - create archive log for performance metrics
pmnsadd (1) - add new names to the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmnscomp (1) - compile an ASCII performance metrics namespace into binary format.
pmnsdel (1) - delete a subtree of names from the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmnsmerge (1) - merge multiple versions of a Performance Co-Pilot PMNS
pmobjstyle (1) - print the object style of the running kernel
pmpost (1) - append messages to the Performance Co-Pilot notice board
pmprobe (1) - lightweight probe for performance metrics
pmrun (1) - graphical utility for entering PCP command line arguments
pmstore (1) - modify performance metric values
pmtime (1) - Performance Co-Pilot time control server
pmval (1) - performance metrics value dumper
pod2html (1) - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2man (1) - translate embedded Perl pod directives into man pages
podd (1M) - Printer Object Database (POD) server
portmap (1M) - TCP, UDP port to RPC program number mapper
portstat (1) - show status of open audio ports
powerdown (1M) - stop all processes and halt the system
ppagesd (1M) - PeoplePages database server
ppd (1M) - Impressario PPD driver for use with PostScript capable printers.
ppdtopod (1) - convert a PPD file to an Impressario POD file.
ppp, if_ppp, ppp_fram (1M) - Point-to-Point Protocol
PppManager (1M) - PPP Manager
pppstat (1M) - Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Status
pr (1) - print files
preallocColors (1X) - preallocate colors to minimize desktop colormap flashing
preset (1M) - reset the lp spooling system to a pristine state by deleting printers
print (1) - printing tools
printers (1M) - graphical printer manager command
printf (1) - print formatted output
printstatus (1) - graphical printer status tool
prioinfo (1) - print priority IO allocation information.
PrivilegeManager, privmgr (1M) - privilege manager
ProcessManager (1M) - Process Manager
proclaim (1M) - client for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
ProclaimRelayMgr (1M) - graphical interface for the proclaim relay-agent
ProclaimServerMgr (1M) - graphical interface for proclaim server configuration
prof (1) - analyze SpeedShop performance data
profiler: prfld, prfstat, prfdc, prfsnap, prfpr (1M) - UNIX system profiler
prom (1M) - PROM monitor
proxymngr (1) - proxy manager service
prs (1) - print an SCCS file
prtvtoc (1M) - print disk volume header information
ps (1) - report process status
pschunky (1) - convert a PostScript file to CHUNKY data format
psdit (1) - convert troff intermediate format to POSTSCRIPT format
psf (1M) - PostScript printer driver.
psfiletype (1) - determine format of file for PostScript conversion
psif (1M) - printer input filter ( lpr(1) only )
psifconfig (1M) - show and set packet scheduling interface configuration
psreverse (1M) - reverse printer output
psrip (1) - convert a PostScript file to raster data format
psroff (1) - troff to a POSTSCRIPT printer
psselect (1) - select pages from a PostScript file
pssplit (1) - split a PostScript file into separate single-page files
psycho (1) - animate an icosahedron
puzzle (1) - 15-puzzle game for X
pwck (1M) - password file checker
pwconv (1M) - install and update /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd
pwd (1) - print working directory name


qlist (1M) - display list of print queues on a NetWare server
qmorf (1) - 3d morphing program
query (1M) - query AppleTalk Printer and put response into a file.
quot (1M) - summarize filesystem ownership
quota (1) - display disk usage and limits
quotacheck (1M) - EFS filesystem quota consistency checker
quotaon, quotaoff (1M) - turn filesystem quotas on and off


rarpd (1M) - DARPA Reverse Address Resolution Protocol daemon
ratfor (1) - rational FORTRAN dialect
rbview (1) - simple audio queue debugging tool
rc0 (1M) - run commands required to enter single-user mode or halt the system
rc2 (1M) - run commands required for multi-user environment
rcp (1C) - remote file copy
rcpDevice (1) - copy a file or directory to or from a remote host
rcs (1) - change RCS file attributes
rcsclean (1) - clean up working files
rcsdiff (1) - compare RCS revisions
rcsfreeze (1) - freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS
rcsintro (1) - introduction to RCS commands
rcsmerge (1) - merge RCS revisions
rdisc (1M) - Internet router discovery daemon
rdist (1) - remote file distribution client program
rdistd (1M) - remote file distribution server program
read (1) - read a line from standard input
readlink (1) - prints the value of a symbolic link
realpath (1) - prints the real file name
reaper (1) - manages a login session
reboot (1M) - reboot the system
regcmp (1) - regular expression compile
Register_&_Win (1) - (no summary available)
registrar (1M) - IP address update command for NIS hosts data base
reinstallpr (1M) - reinstall System V network printers
relnote2html (1) - filter to convert an SGI release note to HTML
relnotes (1) - on-line release notes viewer
remotedir (1) - open a remote directory
RemovableMediaManager (1M) - removable media manager
removeOldLangCatalog (1) - Updates iconcatalog after LANG change
removepppin (1M) - remove a PPP incoming entry.
removepppout (1M) - remove a PPP outgoing entry.
removeSwap (1M) - removes the indicated swap element
renice (1M) - alter priority of running processes
repquota (1M) - summarize quotas for a local filesystem
resize (1) - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size
Restore (1) - restore the specified file or directory from tape
restore (1M) - restore files from backup
restore, rrestore (1M) - incremental filesystem restore
resymlink (1M) - force a recreation of a symbolic link file
revo (1) - creates revolved 3d surfaces
rexd (1M) - RPC-based remote execution server
rexecd (1M) - remote execution server
rfind (1) - remote find
rfindd (1M) - rfind daemon
rgb (1) - convert a rgb spec file to ndbm files
rgb2ps (1) - Convert an SGI image to PostScript
ripsock (1M) - drive a PostScript rip via a TCP/IP socket
rld (1) - runtime linker rld.debug - runtime linker with debugging support
rlog (1) - print log messages and other information about RCS files
rlogin (1C) - remote login
rlogind (1M) - remote login server
rm, rmdir (1) - remove files or directories
rmail (1M) - receive mail via UUCP
rmdefpriv (1M) - remove a default system administration privilege from the system
rmdel (1) - remove a delta from an SCCS file
rmfstabentry (1M) - remove a filesystem entry from the /etc/fstab file.
rmprinter (1M) - remove a printer from the System V spooling system
rmpriv (1M) - remove a privilege from the privilege database
rmprivuser (1M) - remove a user's system administration privileged user status
rmt (1M) - remote magtape protocol module
roboinst, roboinst_start, roboinst_check (1M) - automatic software installation tool
roboinst_config, mrconfig (1M) - configure automatic installation server directory
route (1M) - manually manipulate the routing tables
routed (1M) - network RIP and router discovery routing daemon
routeprint, fileconvert (1) - convert file to printer or to specified filetype
rpc.passwd (1M) - server for modifying NIS password file
rpcbind (1M) - universal addresses to RPC program number mapper
rpcgen (1) - an RPC protocol compiler
rpcgen_tli (1) - an RPC protocol compiler
rpcinfo (1M) - report RPC information
rqs64 (1) - fixes up 64-bit executable or shared object to be QUICKSTARTable
rqs: rqs32 (1) - make 32-bit executable or shared object QUICKSTARTable
rqsall (1) - requickstarts out-of-sync ELF shared objects/executables on a system
rqsprint (1) - displays information about a collection of ELF files on a system
rqsread (1) - reads the information out of an ELF file that is needed to determine if the file needs to be requickstarted
rquotad (1M) - remote quota server
rsh (1C) - remote shell
rshd (1M) - remote shell server
rstat (1M) - show resource reservation status
rstatd (1M) - kernel statistics server
rsvpd (1M) - Resource ReSerVations Protocol daemon
rsvpeep (1M) - display multicast RSVP state
rsync (1) - synchronize files with their latest RCS revisions
rtap (1M) - real-time application program
rtmon-client (1) - client for collecting real-time event data from rtmond
rtmon-dump (1) - dump the contents of events collect from rtmond
rtmon-run (1) - enable system call event tracing
rtmond (1) - system event monitoring daemon
rtmpd (1M) - AppleTalk Routing Table Maintenance daemon
rtquery (1) - query routing daemons for their routing tables
run-proclaim (1M) - proclaim initialization, shutdown, and status script
runacct (1M) - run daily accounting
runcatalog (1M) - run a system administration manager
runexec (1M) - run an executable program described in an executable descriptor file
runon (1) - run a command on a particular cpu
runpanel (1M) - run a system administration status panel
runpriv (1M) - run privileged commands
runtask (1M) - run a system administration active guide
rup (1C) - show host status of local machines (RPC version)
ruptime (1C) - show host status of local machines
rusers (1C) - who's logged in on local machines (RPC version)
rusersd (1M) - network username server
rwall (1) - write to all users over a network
rwalld (1M) - network rwall server
rwho (1C) - who's logged in on local machines
rwhod (1M) - system status server


s2p (1) - Sed to Perl translator
sabgicons (1M) - list serialized dna for removable media and unused disk icons
sac (1M) - service access controller
sact (1) - print current SCCS file editing activity
sar (1) - system activity reporter
sar: sa1, sa2, sadc (1M) - system activity report package
sat_echo (1M) - echo standard input into the system audit trail
sat_interpret (1M) - convert audit records from binary to English
sat_reduce (1M) - filter interesting records from the system audit trail
sat_select (1M) - preselect events for the system audit trail to gather
sat_summarize (1M) - generate statistics on a stream of audit records
satconfig (1M) - configure the system audit trail to collect particular events
satd (1M) - reliably save the system audit trail
satmpd (1M) - Security Attribute Token Mapping Protocol Daemon
savecore (1M) - save a crash vmcore dump of the operating system
savemap (1G) - saves the current contents of the colormap
scanners (1M) - scanner installation tool
sccs (1) - front end for the SCCS subsystem
sccsdiff (1) - compare two versions of an SCCS file
SceneViewer (1) - 3d editor and viewer for Inventor scenes
schemebr (1) - customization panel for specifying color schemes
scratchpad (1) - Display PostScript text "playground"
script (1) - make typescript of terminal session
scsiadminswap (1M) - perform a live plug or unplug of a scsi device
scsicontrol (1m) - probe and control scsi devices
scsifo (1m) - Show Failover status and initiate Failover.
scsiha (1m) - probe and control scsi buses
scsihotswap (1M) - perform hot plug or unplug of scsi device
scsiquiesce (1M) - stop all SCSI bus activity for a specific amount of time
sdiff (1) - side-by-side difference program
sdpd (1) - Session Directory Server Daemon
sdr-launch (1) - Session Directory Client Launcher
searchbook (1) - (a.k.a. search tool) find files
securesystem (1M) - improve system security
sed (1) - stream editor
sendmail, mailq (1M) - send network mail
SerialDeviceManager (1M) - serial device manager
set_vacation (1) - turn on vacation for Netscape Mail
setAudioDevice (1) - program to set SoundScheme audio output device
setdevperms (1M) - Update printing device entries in /etc/ioperms
setDiskParts (1M) - sets a disk's partition information
setisdnparm (1M) - configure ISDN and start ISDN deamon.
setlogopt (1M) - set system administration logging options
setmnt (1M) - establish mount table
setmon (1G) - set the current and default video output format
setNameServers (1M) - set nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf
setPowerSaver (1X) - turns on powersave option, if monitor supports it
setsym (1M) - set up a debug kernel for symbolic debugging
settime (1) - change the access and modification dates of files
setupMacPrinters (1M) - install a Macintosh or PC printer.
setxkbmap (1) - set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
setxkeymap (1) - set the keyboard map using a compiled keymap file
sfconvert (1) - convert soundfiles
sfinfo (1) - display soundfile information
sfkeywords (1) - soundfile keywords used in sfinfo, sfplay, and sfconvert
sfplay (1) - play soundfile
sfrecord, recordaifc, recordaiff (1) - record an audio file
sgbot (1) - robot to fetch and index web sites in sgsearch format
sgdict (1) - build a dictionary of words for a fulltext index
sgi2ps (1) - convert an SGI image file to PostScript
sgihelp (1) - The Silicon Graphics Help Viewer
SGImeeting (1) - Desktop Collaboration tool
sgindexAdmin (1) - update infosearch index and table of contents
sginverter (1) - index an sgsearch dictionary
sgitcl (1) - Tcl shell for SGI
sgmerge (1) - merge sgsearch fulltext indices
sgquery (1) - full-text search engine for sgsearch indices
sgreader (1) - translate HTML to an sgsearch formatted word file
sh, rsh, ksh, rksh (1) - a standard/restricted command and programming language
share_inst, client_inst, clone_client (1M) - diskless software installation tools
share_setup, client_setup, verify (1M) - diskless software installation tools
sharefinder (1M) - locate shared resources on other workstations
sharefs (1M) - enable a filesystem/directory to be accessible by another host.
sharemgr (1M) - shared resource manager
sharePrinters (1M) - share local printers with remote hosts.
shareRemovableMedia (1M) - share a removable media device
showcase (1) - Basic drawing and presentation tool
showfiles (1M) - show files belonging to installed products
showfont (1) - font dumper for X font server
showmount (1M) - show all remote NFS mounts
showprods (1M) - show products installed on system
showps (1) - Adobe Systems PostScript language document previewer.
showrgb (1) - uncompile an rgb color-name database
shutdown (1M) - shut down system, change system state
sid (1M) - print the current array session handle and/or project ID
single (1M) - switch the system to single-user mode
sitemgr (1) - web content administration and publishing
sitemgr.cgi (1) - sitemgr primary Common Gateway Interface process
sitestat.cgi (1) - sitemgr HTTP log file analysis Common Gateway Interface process
size (1) - print the section sizes of object files
SlaToIv (1) - convert an SLA format file into an Open Inventor 2.0 file.
sleep (1) - suspend execution for an interval
slip, if_sl, if_sl.o (1M) - Serial Line IP
slist (1M) - display list of NetWare servers
smcmd (1) - command-line web content administration and publishing tool
smdbf.cgi (1) - sitemgr database creation Common Gateway Interface process
smtconfig (1M) - configure or display FDDI interface parameters
smtd (1M) - FDDI Station Management protocol daemon
smtinfo (1) - get and display FDDI SMT station information
smtmaint (1M) - set FDDI line state
smtping (1M) - send FDDI SMT Echo Request frames to FDDI stations
smtring (1M) - examines the state of FDDI ring
smtstat (1) - show FDDI SMT status
sn (1) - NUMA Memory Management Configuration Tool
sn0log (1M) - Read Origin and Onyx2 CPU flash PROM log(s)
sn0msc (1M) - Perform Origin and Onyx2 system controller operations
snetd (1M) - DLPI network daemon
snmpd (1M) - Simple Network Management Protocol daemon
snoop (1M) - capture and inspect network packets
SoftimageToIv (1) - convert a Softimage .hrc file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
sort (1) - sort and/or merge files
soundeditor (1) - digital audio recorder/editor
soundplayer (1) - sound playback application
soundscheme (1) - audio cue server (daemon)
soundtrack (1) - multitrack digital audio recorder/editor
SpeedShop, speedshop (1) - an integrated package of performance tools
spell, spellin, spellout (1) - find spelling errors
split (1) - split a file into pieces
spoolserv (1M) - a print queue information daemon
spray (1M) - spray packets
sprayd (1M) - spray server
squeeze (1) - squeeze memory from the system
srchtxt (1) - display contents of, or search for a text string in, message databases
ssaver (1) - customization panel for setting screen saver & power saver
sscord (1) - explore working set behavior and generate cord feedback files
ssdoallexp (1) - script to run all experiments, prof, ssdump, etc. on an executable
ssdoexp (1) - script to run an experiment, and invoke prof and ssdump on it
ssdump (1) - print out the contents of SpeedShop performance experiment data files
ssorder (1) - compute and write cord feedback files from working set data
ssperf (1) - SpeedShop Performance Analyzer
ssrun (1) - set up and run a process to collect SpeedShop performance data
ssusage (1) - run a command, and print out the resources it used
sswsextr (1) - extract working set files from SpeedShop ideal-time experiment
stacker (1M) - robotics control program
startautofs (1M) - start autofs deamon.
startautomount (1M) - start automount deamon.
startdesktop (1) - open an IRIX Interactive Desktop dirview of home directory
startgfx, stopgfx (1G) - start/stop the window system
startmidi, stopmidi (1) - start MIDI daemon
startnfs (1M) - start nfs deamon.
startx (1) - initialize an X session
stat (1M) - display stat attributes of named files
statd (1M) - network status monitor daemon
stcode (1) - translate a hexadecimal status code value to a tex- tual message
stdump (1) - dump a file of intermediate-code debugging information
stiff2ps (1) - convert a Stream TIFF (STIFF) image file to PostScript
stopisdnd (1M) - kill the ISDN deamon.
stopppp (1M) - Stop a PPP call.
strace (1M) - print STREAMS trace messages
strain (1M) - extract errors from build log files.
strclean (1M) - STREAMS error logger cleanup program
strerr (1M) - STREAMS error logger daemon
strings (1) - find printable strings in an object file or binary
strip (1) - remove symbols and relocation bits
stty (1) - set the options for a terminal
su (1M) - become superuser or another user
suattr (1M) - Execute shell command with specified capabilities at specified MAC label
substiff (1) - extract a lower left subimage from a STIFF image
sulogin (1M) - access single-user mode
sum (1) - print checksum and block count of a file
sun2stiff (1) - convert a Sun Rasterfile image file to Stream TIFF (STIFF)
swap (1M) - swap administrative interface
SwapManager (1M) - view and manage system swap space
swmgr, SoftwareManager (1M) - software manager
swpkg (1M) - SGI product packager
symmon (1M) - kernel symbolic debugger
sync (1M) - update the super block
syntheditor (1) - application for editing midisynth parameters and preset files
synthpanel (1) - 16 channel MIDI control panel
sysconf (1) - get configurable system variables (POSIX)
sysctlrd (1M) - communicates with the system controller and LCD front panel on Onyx/Challenge L/XL systems
syserrpanel (1M) - System Alert Settings
sysinfo (1) - print system identification
syslogd (1M) - log systems messages
sysmeter (1) - display system performance values
sysmgr (1M) - System Manager - Access to Desktop System Administration
sysmon (1M) - System log file viewer
sysmonpp (1M) - System Monitor Preprocessor
systune (1M) - display and set tunable parameters


tabs (1) - set tabs on a terminal
tag (1) - tag a MIPS executable or shell script with an identifying number
tail (1) - deliver the last part of a file
talk (1) - talk to another user
talkd (1M) - remote user communication server
tar (1) - tape archiver
tclsh (1) - Simple shell containing Tcl interpreter
tcsh (1) - shell with file name completion and command line editing
tee (1) - pipe fitting
telldesktop (1X) - shell front end to invoke file manager functions
tellwm (1X) - shell front end to invoke window manager functions
telnet (1C) - user interface to the TELNET protocol
telnetd (1M) - internet TELNET protocol server
test (1) - condition evaluation command
testiconfig (1) - test an Impressario printer software installation
testipr (1) - test an Impressario printer
tex_cube (1D) - OpenGL texture-mapping demo.
text2ps (1) - convert text files to PostScript
textcolors (1G) - set the colors used by a xwsh window
texteroids (1) - test your mousing skills on spinning text
textomatic (1) - interactive program for creating 3d text
tftp (1C) - trivial file transfer program
tftpd (1M) - internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
thrash (1) - thrash memory to explore paging behavior
tic (1M) - terminfo compiler
time (1) - time a command
timed (1M) - time server daemon
timedc (1M) - timed control program
timeserver (1M) - time server daemon for Macintoshes running K- Time
timeslave (1M) - 'slave' local clock to a better one
timex (1) - time a command; report process data and system activity
tlink (1) - clone a file tree using symbolic links
to_dos, to_unix (1) - convert text files between MSDOS and UNIX
to_imap (1) - copy mail folders to Netscape Mail IMAP location
tochunky (1) - Convert an SGI image to CHUNKY printer data format
toggleSystemTunes (1M) - set speaker volume during startup
togglexhost (1) - toggle X server access control
toolchest (1X) - utility menu program
top (1) - display and update information about the top cpu processes
topology (1) - machine topology information
touch (1) - update access and modification times of a file
tput (1) - initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
tr (1) - translate characters
traceroute (1M) - print the route packets take to a network host
true, false (1) - provide truth values
tset (1) - terminal dependent initialization
tsort (1) - topological sort
tt_type_comp (1) - The ToolTalk otype and ptype compiler
ttcopy (1) - copy files in a ToolTalk-safe way.
ttcp (1) - test TCP and UDP performance
ttmv (1) - move or rename files in a ToolTalk-safe way.
ttrm, ttrmdir (1) - remove files or directories in a ToolTalk-safe way.
ttrm, ttrmdir (1) - remove files or directories in a ToolTalk-safe way.
ttsession (1) - The ToolTalk message server
tttar (1) - (de)archive files and ToolTalk objects
tty (1) - get the name of the terminal
twm (1) - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
type (1) - write a description of command type
type1xfonts (1) - build X style font directory for Type1 fonts
typeCache (1) - fill desktop type cache for a directory


uadmin (1M) - administrative control
uconv (1) - convert FORTRAN unformatted file
uil (1X) - The user interface language compiler
uil (1X) - The user interface language compiler
ul (1) - underline
ulimit (1) - set or report file size limit
umask (1) - set file-creation mode mask
umerge (1) - Ucode Inliner
umountfs (1M) - unmount a filesystem.
unalias (1) - remove alias definitions
uname (1) - identify the current IRIX system
uncompvm (1M) - expand a compressed IRIX vmcore dump of the operating system
unconfigks (1M) - unconfiguration program for K-Spool
unexpand (1) - convert spaces to tabs
unget (1) - undo a previous get of an SCCS file
unifdef (1) - strip or reduce ifdefs in C code
uniq (1) - report repeated lines in a file
units (1) - conversion program
unmonitorRemovableMedia (1M) - disable mediad monitoring of a device
unschedBackup (1M) - unschedule a backup
unset_vacation (1) - turn off vacation for Netscape Mail
unsharefs (1M) - remove a filesystem from the accessable list.
unsharePrinters (1M) - stop sharing local printers with remote hosts.
unshareRemovableMedia (1M) - stop sharing a removable media device
uopt (1) - MIPS Ucode Global Optimizer
updateclogin (1M) - update the graphical login configuration file
updbootparam (1M) - NIS bootparams database update program
uptime (1) - show how long system has been up
userenv (1) - print user's login environment
UserManager (1M) - User Accounts Manager
uucheck (1M) - check the uucp directories and permissions file
uucico (1M) - file transport program for the uucp system
uucleanup (1M) - uucp spool directory clean-up
uucp, uulog, uuname (1C) - UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uucpd (1M) - UUCP over TCP/IP daemon
uuencode, uudecode (1C) - encode/decode a binary file for transmission via mail
uugetty (1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
uuid_gen (1) - UUID generating program
uusched, pollhost, uudemon.hour, uudemon.poll (1M) - the scheduler for the uucp file transport program
uustat (1C) - uucp status inquiry and job control
uuto, uupick (1C) - public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
Uutry (1M) - try to contact remote system with debugging on
uux (1C) - UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution
uuxqt (1M) - execute remote command requests
uwm (1) - a window manager for X


vacation (1) - return ``I am not here'' mail indication
val (1) - validate SCCS file
vc (1) - version control
verifyDisk (1M) - verifies disk surface and partitions as an option disk
versions (1M) - software versions tool
vfc (1G) - compiler for video formats
vi, view, vedit (1) - screen-oriented (visual) display editors based on ex
videoin (1) - Video Library video-in-a-window tool
videoout (1) - Video Library video output from screen tool
videopanel, vcp (1) - Video Library control panel tool
vidtomem (1) - Video Library capture single frame tool
viewlog (1M) - view the system administration log
viewres (1) - graphical class browser for Xt
vintovout (1) - Video Library video output from video input tool
VirtualBindings (1) - Bindings for virtual mouse and key events
vlan_alive (1) - determines the status of a VLAN transmitter
vlan_cmd (1) - issues a VLAN command
vlcmd (1) - Video Library command line interface
vlinfo (1) - Video Library path, node and control info tool
vmsprep (1) - VMS tape preparation aid
vout (1V) - composite video output control panel
vstiff (1) - TIFF stream viewer


w (1) - who is on and what they are doing
wait (1) - await completion of process
wait4wm (1) - waits for the window manager
wakeupat (1M) - request that system power back on at a future time
wall (1) - write to all users
wc (1) - word, line and byte or character count
wchrtbl (1M) - generate character classification and conversion tables for ASCII and supplementary code sets
webdist (1) - Web Software Distribution Tool
webjumper (1) - tool to make URL icons (jumpsites) for the World Wide Web
websetup (1) - WebFORCE product support tools
what (1) - identify SCCS files
whatis (1) - describe what a command is
whereis (1) - locate source, binary, and or manual for program
which (1) - locate a program file including aliases and path (csh only)
who (1) - display who is on the system
whoami (1) - display the effective current username
whodo (1M) - who is doing what
windows (1) - customization panel for setting various 4Dwm resources
winterm (1) - provides a uniform interface for launching applications which need a window shell (terminal emulator)
WISHX (1) - Tcl language interpreter with Tk
wonderland (1) - explore the wonders of Display PostScript rendering
write (1) - write to another user
wsh (1G) - compatibility front end for xwsh


X (1) - a portable, network-transparent window system
x11perf (1) - X11 server performance test program
x11perfcomp (1) - X11 server performance comparison program
xactl (1m) - extended accounting control
xargs (1) - construct argument list(s) and execute command
xauth (1) - X authority file utility
xbiff (1) - mailbox flag for X
xbstat (1M) - monitor Crossbow (Xbow) traffic
xcalc (1) - scientific calculator for X
xcalendar (1) - calendar with a notebook for X11
xclipboard (1) - X clipboard client
xclock (1) - analog / digital clock for X
xcmsdb (1) - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System
xcmstest (1) - XCMS test program
xconfirm (1) - general purpose dialog box
xconsole (1) - monitor system console messages with X
XConsortium (1) - X Consortium information
xcutsel (1) - interchange between cut buffer and selection
xdiff (1L) - X11/Motif based file comparator and merge tool.
xditview (1) - display ditroff output
xdm (1) - X Display Manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser
xdpr (1) - dump an X window directly to a printer
xdpyinfo (1) - display information utility for X
xedit (1) - simple text editor for X
xepsf (1) - display an Encapsulated PostScript file
xev (1) - print contents of X events
xeyes (1) - a follow the mouse X demo
xfd (1) - display all the characters in an X font
xfig (1) - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11
xfindproxy (1) - locate proxy services
xfontsel (1) - point & click interface for selecting X11 font names
xfs (1) - X font server
xfs_bmap (1M) - print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_check (1M) - check XFS filesystem consistency
xfs_chver (1M) - change the version of a filesystem to enable the extent unwritten version.
xfs_copy (1M) - copy the contents of an XFS filesystem
xfs_estimate (1M) - estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_growfs (1M) - expand an XFS filesystem
xfs_logprint (1M) - print the log of an XFS filesystem
xfs_ncheck (1M) - generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xfs_repair (1M) - repair an XFS filesystem
xfsdump (1M) - XFS filesystem incremental dump utility
xfsinvutil (1M) - xfsdump inventory database checking and pruning utility
xfsrestore (1M) - XFS filesystem incremental restore utility
xgas (1) - animated simulation of an ideal gas
xgc (1) - X graphics demo
xhost (1) - server access control program for X
xinit (1) - X Window System initializer
xkas (1) - AppleShare Server manager for The X Window System
xkbcomp (1) - compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd (1) - XKB event daemon
xkbprint (1) - print an XKB keyboard description
xkfs (1) - AppleShare Client manager for The X Window System
xkill (1) - kill a client by its X resource
xkspool (1) - AppleTalk PostScript Printer manager for The X Window System
xktalk (1) - AppleTalk Management for The X Window System
xlbiff (1) - mailbox message previewer for X
xlistscrns (1) - prints available screens for an X server
xload (1) - system load average display for X
xlock (1) - Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlogo (1) - X Window System logo
xlsatoms (1) - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients (1) - list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts (1) - server font list displayer for X
xlswins (1) - server window list displayer for X
xlv_admin (1M) - modifies XLV logical volume objects and their disk labels
xlv_assemble (1M) - initialize logical volume objects from disk labels
xlv_make (1M) - create logical volume objects
xlv_mgr (1M) - administers XLV logical volume objects and their disk labels
xlv_set_primary (1M) - set the primary plex of a logical volume
xlv_shutdown (1M) - shut down XLV volumes
xlvCreateLV (1M) - creates a new xlv logical volume
xlvDelete (1M) - deletes an xlv object
xlvExtend (1M) - extend an xlv volume
xlvShow (1M) - shows information about xlv configuration and objects
xmag (1) - magnify parts of the screen
xman (1) - Manual page display program for the X Window System
xmbind (1X) - Configures virtual key bindings
xmessage (1) - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
xmh (1) - send and read mail with an X interface to MH
xmkmf (1) - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
xmodmap (1) - utility for modifying keymaps (and pointer buttons) in X
xnetdd (1M) - Xinet's NET Doubler Daemon
xon (1) - start an X program on a remote machine
xpostit (1) - X window system Post-it notes
xpr (1) - print an X window dump
xprop (1) - property displayer for X
xrdb (1) - X server resource database utility
xrefresh (1) - refresh all or part of an X screen
xscope (1) - X Window System Protocol Monitor
Xsecurity (1) - X display access control
Xserver (1) - X Window System display server
xset (1) - user preference utility for X
xsetmon (1) - set video output format, sync sources and gamma correction values
xsetroot (1) - root window parameter setting utility for X
Xsgi (1) - X Window System server for Silicon Graphics workstations.
xshowcmap (1) - show colormap
xsm (1) - X Session Manager
XStandards (1) - X Consortium Standards
xstdcmap (1) - X standard colormap utility
xstr (1) - extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings
xsubpp (1) - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
xterm (1) - terminal emulator for X
xwd (1) - dump an image of an X window
xwd2stiff (1) - convert an X Window Dump (XWD) image file to Stream TIFF (STIFF)
xwininfo (1) - window information utility for X
xwnmo (1) - Input Manager of the X Window System Version 11
xwsh (1G) - creates and specifies a window shell
xwud (1) - image displayer for X


yacc (1) - yet another compiler-compiler
yp_bootparam (1M) - update the NIS bootparams database
yp_host (1M) - update NIS "hosts" database
ypcat (1) - print values in NIS databases
ypchpass (1) - change selected NIS passwd fields
ypinit (1M) - build and install NIS database
ypmake (1M) - rebuild and distribute NIS databases
ypmatch (1) - print key values in NIS map
yppasswd (1) - change NIS login password
yppoll (1M) - show the version of the NIS map on the NIS server
yppush (1M) - force propagation of a changed NIS map
ypset (1M) - point ypbind at a particular NIS server
ypupdated (1M) - server for changing NIS information
ypwhich (1) - print the NIS server or map master hostname
ypxfr (1M) - transfer an NIS map from some NIS server to here


zoomstiff (1) - magnify or shrink a TIFF stream